If you find education expensive, try ignorance
Learn how to construct a portfolio that matches their investment horizon
There are as many portfolios as there are people and the first step is always the hardest
Access useful and simple portfolio management tools
You need tools that your bank will never provide
Exchange opinion with other members, as well as ‘Black Belt’ experts
Complement your own experience with the learnings of other members
Understand the risks (and the risks of doing nothing)
The greatest risk is to take no risk
Monitor the performance of their investment portfolio
If you don’t measure it, you can’t manage it
Compare performance with the performance of other members
Being average is just great, and above average risky
Improve their existing investment portfolio
If your portfolio performance is below average, it is time to fix it
Simulate the past via ‘backtesting’
Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it
Simulate what the future could look like
Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future. But simulations are possible
Receive personalised alerts
Let your portfolio do the hard work and MyMoneyWorks inform you when needed
Become a better investor, and enjoy a sweeter pension
Plug the holes in your pension, reimburse your mortgage early, and buy yourself a better life