Making the first step is always the hardest, especially when you have never done it before.
That’s why MyMoneyWorks publishes 3 reference portfolios that follow the same long-term strategy but respectively invest in ETFs only, Managed Funds only and individual Shares only.
These reference portfolios are here to help you get started, but also follow two additional purposes:
- you shouldn’t have more than 10-20 positions in your portfolio. You can have a very diversified portfolio with ten positions only. It’s hard enough to find ten fantastic companies and follow them over time, as their strategy evolves as well. The same applies to Managed Funds.
- you will be tempted to beat the market and buy individual shares, rather than (boring?) ETFs. Our reference portfolios will show that ETFs almost always win, and Managed Funds almost always lose. Don’t believe us? Then keep an eye on how the competing reference porftolios are doing against each other over the long term.